Hotel details Kalla Bongo Lake Resort

Aanbieding details

  • Sri Lanka
  • Sri Lanka
  • Hikkaduwa
  • 2


Over Kalla Bongo Lake Resort

Feel welcome and enjoy your stay in one of the 15 rooms. The Pool rooms are adjacent to the swimming pool and have a fresh appearance. The Lagoon rooms are adjacent to the lagoon and have a classic interior. All with hot water and air-conditioning. The hotel has a lobby, a la carte restaurant and bar. The magnificent view over the lagoon and the calmness in the environment make the hotel a perfect place where you can recover from you busy life. Relax and enjoy the excellent kitchen, the swimming pool, canoes and games for the children. Cleanliness, freshness, familiar and personal service are the defining themes in the exploitation. The hotel is located at Hikkaduwa Ganga, a lagoon which is connected to the sea. The utmost calm, peaceful and natural environment give the hotel a unique character. The hotel also offers free breakfast to the guests.

Kalla Bongo Lake Resort te boeken bij (2 resultaten)

Kalla Bongo Lake Resort in Hikkaduwa Sri Lanka ook te boeken bij

Kalla Bongo Lake Resort

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 55,21

Feel welcome and enjoy your stay in one of the 15 rooms. The Pool rooms are adjacent to the swimming pool and have a fresh appearance. The Lagoon room...

Kalla Bongo Lake Resort in Hikkaduwa Sri Lanka ook te boeken bij mdHotels

Kalla Bongo Lake Resort

Aantal dagen:
VANAF€ 70,82


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Kalla Bongo Lake Resort in Hikkaduwa Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

Kalla Bongo Lake Resort Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka

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  • UitstekendUitstekend
  • GoedGoed
  • GemiddeldGemiddeld
  • SlechtSlecht
  • BedroevendBedroevend
